Thursday, November 13, 2014

Horrid OP Event at Comic Asylum in Richardson, TX

I went to a D&D Attack Wing event tonight.  I am not really into fantasy, but I figured it could be fun and I may have a good shot winning the White Dragon prize.

I was an hour late due to some things happening.  I bought a Green Dragon as the entry fee and played the only other player to show up.  Lost, but learned a lot.

Came time to get the "prize" only to find out that the owner (not present) had told the judge to not give the prize out if less than 4 people played in the event.  No warning was given about this ahead of time nor was that noted in the WizKidsEvent system.

I am going to try and report this to WizKids.  It may not matter, but it is another nail in their coffin if it doesn't.

The other player said he came 70+ miles for the event, which sounded likely.

Looks like the owner just wanted some things to sell on eBay.  I would have saved my evening for other things had I known about this scummy practice, though I now recall reading some bad things about this shop in the past.

I am going to post this comment anyplace I can to warn others.

This hurts other FLGS because it shows me that spending more money locally for things has no value when such scum run things.

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